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Why you should disable revisions in WordPress

Here is how to disable WordPress Revision

Please be careful on disabling the WordPress Revision. Do this If you really know what you are doing.

What is WordPress Revision?

WordPress Revision is a custom post type used to save a record on database whenever a user updates the post, page or custom post type. This means WordPress creates a version of your last post. This feature gives a user the ability to revert changes. Also, wordpress automatically saves data every 60 seconds. Even if you are not doing anything.

Please read more about WordPress Revision here.

Here’s why.

The concern is, there will be an increase of size on your database because of those revisions that you do not need. Considering you are posting a lot and if you have lots of content on your website. Every update on post, page or custom post type will add a record on wp_posts table on the database and over time this will affect your database and might affect your site performance.

So, If you want to optimize your database (lighter database) and confident without those revisions. Then, you can disable the WordPress Revision.

Work around.

Copy the following code on your config.php file inside your site folder. You can refer on the image above. It doesn’t matter where you want to paste the code from the beginning after the  beginning of php tag  <?php  or to the very last part of the php file.

define( 'WP_POST_REVISIONS', false ); //Off Revision
define( 'AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL', 3600 ); //3600 minutes will do


To check you can edit a post, page, or a custom post type. Then check if the revision is still present.

That’s it!